Korrels HubKorrels HubKorrels Hub
Ikoyi, Lagos
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

Smart Farm Cold Chain

Smart Farm Cold Chain

Introducing the revolutionary solar-powered Korrels Hub Smart Farm Cold Chain, tailored to meet the unique demands of the Nigerian agricultural market. As the heart of Africa’s agrarian landscape, Nigeria boasts a rich tapestry of produce that nourishes its people and fuels its economy. Yet, challenges like spoilage, wastage, and limited market access have persistently hindered the growth potential of its agricultural sector.

Our Smart Farm Cold Chain Solution extends shelf life by 4 – 8 weeks.

Enter the solar-powered Korrels Hub Smart Farm Cold Chain – a game-changing innovation poised to transform the way agricultural products journey from farm to fork. In a nation where temperature – sensitive goods often face unpredictable conditions during storage and transit, our solution offers an integrated approach that harmonizes technology, logistics, and quality assurance.

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Here are some components that are included our smart farm cold chain system:

Temperature Monitoring
Cold Storage
Transportation Monitoring
Data Analytics
Automation and Control
Quality Assurance
Hospitals and Pharmacies Fruits and Vegetable Fish, Dairy and Poultry

Rural hospitals can use solar-powered Korrels Hub Smart Farm Cold Chain for the transportation and storage of drugs, vaccines and temperature-sensitive medical consumables.

Our solar-powered Korrels Hub Smart Farm Cold Chain extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables from 2 to 21 days; thus, they have become favorite to small-holder farmer and agribusiness SMEs.

Our solar-powered Korrels Hub Smart Farm Cold Chain is also perfect for cold storage in poultry and fish production sectors.

When you need high quality, organic agro commodities, Korrels Hub Limited is the reliable source. We guarantees that only quality certified, organic & GMO

106104, Lagos
(Sat - Thursday)
(08am - 05 pm)

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